What are implant retained dentures?

With the introduction of dental implants and advancements in denture technology, we can now construct beautiful, natural-looking implant-retained dentures with a bite that is comparable to natural teeth, enhancing your appearance and boosting your self-confidence.

Dental implants are used to secure implant-retained dentures. The dentures perform better and are more stable than traditional dentures since they are secured by the implants.
The procedure
Fitting a dental implant is usually a simple procedure. The operation entails lifting a flap of gum and drilling a socket in the jaw bone. After the hole has been formed, the implant will be inserted into the socket and the gum tissue flap will be re-stitched.
A minimum of two implants in the lower jaw and four implants in the upper jaw are utilised to hold complete dentures. After that, the gum tissue will be allowed to recover as the implant fuses with the jawbone in a process known as osseointergration.
Dentures should be soaked in a denture-cleaning solution every day. This will assist in the removal of any remaining plaque and stains. It will also aid in the disinfection of your dentures, making them feel cleaner. Always read and follow the directions provided by the manufacturer.
During the healing period, existing or temporary dentures can be worn. Most implants are inserted with a simple local anaesthetic and are thus completely painless.
Benefits of implant-retained dentures
  • Increased Stability. Implant-retained dentures are more stable than regular dentures, as they do not float or become ill-fitting and unstable like traditional dentures do.
  • Improved eating ability. They have increased chewing abilities and biting power, allowing denture wearers to effortlessly consume foods that are tough to chew.
  • Natural appearance. Implant-retained dentures look and function more like natural teeth than traditional dentures.
  • Jawbone preservation. Implant dentures help to preserve the jawbone structure and prevent future bone loss and the sunken-in appearance that typically occurs with tooth loss.
  • Increased Comfort. Because these dentures fit better, they are more comfortable and produce less friction on the gum tissue than regular dentures.

If you are interested in learning more about implant-retained dentures and would like to schedule a free consultation, please call us at 0800 669 000 or book an appointment online.