What is the process of getting full dentures?

The processes of receiving new dentures differ based on the type of denture you have. In general, getting dentures consists of four stages:

Denture measurements

The first appointment is all about taking accurate measurements and impressions of your edentulous (toothless) ridges and gums. These impressions will be used to create the mould, which will eventually form your denture.

Bite registration

Making sure that the upper and lower jaws are correctly aligned when you bite together is an important element of achieving well-fitting dentures. On the second visit, we will focus on this, as well as making sure the teeth are the right length and that the plane of the tooth set up has the perfect relationship with the rest of your facial features, and that your teeth are the ideal size and shape to avoid clicking while you talk or chew.

Try in

During this visit, the bite blocks used to simulate teeth in the previous visit will be replaced with real denture teeth. The only difference between this try-in and your final denture is that the teeth are not yet embedded in the acrylic, and the base is still loose enough to fit over your gums. At this point, we can make any necessary tweaks and revisions before your new denture is completed.

Final fitting and post check

Your final visit, during which your new denture will be fitted and small changes to the occlusal may be made to achieve a balanced bite.

Click here to learn which type of full denture will best suit your needs.